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Bad Axe City Council Meeting (Video)
Amana Ali
Mon, 03 Dec 2018 21:22:20 EST
The city of Bad Axe had their Audit Presentation for Fiscal Year 2017-18 at the City Council meeting Monday night. Tammy Talaski from Hyzer,Hill, Kuzak & CO assured council members it has been a great year for the City of Bad Axe with revenue up $294,000 from last year. Council members approved a change in regards to Soper Road and Thompson Road reducing the total project amount by $5,000. Also approved was a proposal from Michigan Pipe Inspection for the South Outer Drive Patch Project in the amount of $10,000, in which the city and contractor will be splitting the cost. The ordinance committee will be taking a look at putting the marijuana ordinance in place and whether the City of Bad Axe will opt in or opt in.