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Harbor Beach City Council Meeting - Video
Amana Ali
Mon, 19 Nov 2018 23:38:36 EST
It was all business at the Harbor Beach City Council meeting Monday night. Members started off with approving previous meeting minutes and approval of bills per usual. Next the city council approved the list of resolutions as follows, adopting and implementing a local pavement warranty program that is a formality required by the Michigan Legislature. Also purchasing material and hiring Wood Contracting to complete the tiling project at the Lincoln Park field in order to make the park more useable. Lastly the Harbor Beach Council members announced the Farmers Market is under new management and the dates for next year are set for May 24th through October 11th every Friday from 2--6pm. Mayor Booms praised the Harbor Beach Football team for such a great job done this season and wants to remind everyone about the Christmas Parade December 1st starting at 5pm Downtown Harbor Beach.