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Huron Community Fair Board Annual Stockholders Meeting - Video
Amana Ali
Wed, 14 Nov 2018 23:58:30 EST
The Huron Community Fair Board celebrated their 150th Anniversary with Senator Pavlov honoring them with a plaque of recognition at their Annual Stockholders meeting, at the Expo Center Fairground. Wednesday evening Fair Board members and Stockholders came together to review balances and events that took place through 2018, also to discuss new happenings coming up in 2019. It was a positive year with only one major change in the balances being the bathhouse, but it is a tremendous addition. The Huron Community Fair is applying for a MDARD matching fund State Grant to put towards anything to do with improving fairgrounds. They also added 24 more campsites leaving them with a total of 148. Also the 2019 Friends of the Fair Honorees were announced to be Warren and Grace Krohn, Joanne Cove, and Melvin and Janet Bischer. The Fair dates for 2019 are set to be July 28th-August 3rd.