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Solar Ordinance Draft Discussed as Part of Wednesday Planning Meeting (Video)
Chelsea Dickens
Fri, 03 Aug 2018 10:03:53 EDT
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Huron County Planning Commission, minus two members, met with the intention to work on the draft of the Commercial Solar Ordinance Wednesday Evening.
Chairman McLean wishes to educate the public on the difference of private and commercial solar and even wind and that commercial would be the sole focus.
In a survey, the public shared that nineteen respondents, in 2016, were neutral and four percent disagreed and four percent strongly disagreed with the idea of alternative energy being placed on prime farmland. Thirty eight percent agree that it should be used by alternative energy. In regards to wind, thirty-nine percent disagreed on land being used for that purpose.
The statistics, Member Ken Walker added, cannot be referred to due to lack of specification. Jeff Smith, Director of Zoning, added that from 1,200 respondents many agreed that wind and solar are different.
"In my personal view," McLean began sharing, "What do all citizens, every person on Earth, need to survive? We need food, we have got to have water, we've got to have oxygen" solar energy does not provide for any of that.
The idea was added that with the Hazard Mitigation Plan a survey be given to citizens for their opinions on the matters at hand, with changes being subject to change with ordinances the committee crafts.
Committee reviewed draft plans and without any further business to attend to adjourned the meeting at around 8 p.m. Wednesday.