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Bad Axe City Council Meets Briefly on Monday for New Business (Video)
Chelsea Dickens
Mon, 16 Jul 2018 23:29:17 EDT
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Bad Axe City Council held a very concise meeting Monday afternoon at city hall.
First on the agenda was the official approval of Emily J. Pantera as the new Certified Grant Administrator which is a required position for the economic development grant from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation.
The Council also had to approve the payment of bills for a total of $48,973.91 from July 10th.
Added to the agenda just before the meeting was a contract between the city and the Sanilac County Humane Society to help control the issue of some hundred cats in the city. In summary, the humane society would contract the help of Michigan State University and their veterinary program interns to neuter and disperse the cats to potential owners or caregivers. The only costs to the city for this project would be the cost of accommodations for the interns during their stay.
"It's not a matter of should we do this, we need to do this," Dale Vandevasse, City Director, said.
The contract was approved by council and without public comment or committee reports, meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
A video of the meeting may be viewed as part of the article.