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Bad Axe City Council Meets Briefly on Monday (Video)
Chelsea Dickens
Mon, 02 Jul 2018 19:53:53 EDT
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The Bad Axe City Council met for a brief meeting at 5:30 p.m. on Monday to discuss finances and other business.
Prior to the order of business, Alexander Khoury introduced himself to the council as he is a candidate for the Register of Deeds. He introduced himself, who he was, and offered the board to talk with him should they have any questions.
In new business the board approved the Bad Axe citywide Garage Sales held during the Huron County Fair Week, August 2nd through 5th.
The board also approved the hiring of ICE Grant Project Certified Grant Administrator, Emily Pantera. According to City Manager, Dale VanDeVusse, the grant budget is worth $1.63 million and is to go towards economic development in the community. According to VanDeVusse this position is also necessary as part of the grant requirements. Other applicants for the position also were asking for more pay in the form of compensation for distance and time, but Emily will still be receiving twice of her predecessor.
In other news the board voted to approve the two percent wage increase for union and nonunion workers effective as of yesterday, June 1st. There was discussion on having performance reviews for nonunion workers to ensure that everyone had the same "motivation" to work.
Departments and committees each had no additional comments or notes to make or report to the whole and the meeting was adjourned at 5:38 p.m.
A video of the meeting may be viewed as part of the article.