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Bad Axe Board Of Education Appoints New Member - video
Chandler Pawloski
Tue, 08 Oct 2019 11:10:26 EDT
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Bad Axe Board of Education met on Monday Night to cover several pressing issues. Theses issues included the appointment of a new Vice-President, at which time member Zac Eskau was immediately appointed after short deliberation, and the appointment of a brand new member to fill the seat that up until this meeting had been left empty. Extensive interviews at around fifteen minutes a piece began, issues were discussed, concerns were raised. A group of concerned and caring community members were rotated to ensure the best choice in appointee. In the end the board decided on the appointment of Kristen Rifenbark, after over an hour of interviews, discussion, and deliberation. Kristen was greeted with applause and was very excited to begin working with the rest of the board.