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Chelsea Dickens
Thu, 21 Jun 2018 19:36:34 EDT
Leroy Wurst stated that the collective foundries were interested in the barracks on the campus, primarily for the use as newly refurbished living spaces for potential employees from Puerto Rico.
The plan is to bring in around twenty people from Puerto Rico as a start and they will live in the barracks.
Some challenges that are part of this endeavor is the language barrier as other businesses who have tried it project only twenty percent of the people speak English. They will also be screened, drug-tested and they will be American citizens coming from a U.S. territory.
"We're told their Catholic, so the Catholic Church there is probably going to see a boom," Wurst commented. "And we pay well. So, for the community, they've said the allegations are that this is going to put a drain on them. That's no so."
Wurst understands the struggles and positives of the task at hand, but in order to suffice the current employment needs at the foundries, paying fifteen dollars and hour to bring in more people and culture to the area is well worth it.
A video interview with Leroy Wurst can be viewed as part of the article.
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