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Chelsea Dickens
Thu, 10 May 2018 21:21:36 EDT
Irene Janik was partnered with Principal Kathy Dickens at Laker Elementary on behalf of Counselor Cathy Stinson, from the HISD, to bring in her two therapy dogs, Sugar and Maggie, to work with students at the school.
Part of the program is the dogs work as a reward system for positive behavior in students. Those who exhibit such behavior are able to grab a book and read to one of the dogs for a few minutes while they pet and play with them.
According to Janik, this program is great for reducing anxiety in children, and petting a dog releases endorphins making them happy. Hopefully, this type of program can be brought to the high school and other schools."
The dogs only come to Lakers a few times a week, and they also visit the Lighthouse in Caro as part of their workload.
Janik stated, "I hope other people will participate and get involved in this program through the Alliance of Therapy Dogs."
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