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More roads closed because of flooding - video
Craig Routzahn
Wed, 21 Feb 2018 11:07:55 EST
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Rain, snow melt and run off from property with frozen ground that can't absorb any of it, has filled the ditches, creeks and rivers in the area. There are several areas in the upper Thumb dealing with water over the road, and water reaching the deck of bridges, both of which result in closures. Grassmere Road had a couple spots in several townships affected along with roads that connect with it. A bridge on Etzler Road carrying traffic over the Pinnebog River also had water almost to the underside of the bridge (right). Meanwhile the Huron County Road Commission continues to let us know of other problems. Eby Road over the Pinnebog River is closed between Elkton and Krohn Roads due to high water at a bridge in the area. Redman Rod over the Willow River is closed between Iseler and Huron City Roads in Bloomfield Township for the same reason. Limerick Road over the Pinnebog River is closed between Champagne and Grassmere Roads due to high water at the bridge in that area. In each case it could be a week before the road could be reopened after the bridges are inspected.
Below: problems on Grassmere near Etzler Road
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click on the picture to enlarge
Below: is the scene Wednesday morning on Grassmere near Limerkick Road
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Below: is on Limerick Road near Pinnebog
click on the picture to enlarge
Below there is a link for some of the issues in the Port Hope area.