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Craig Routzahn
Wed, 28 Jun 2017 13:11:14 EDT
Schillinger asked why they need a new township hall, to which Township Board Member Scott Kasper replied...
The discussion prior to the votes had many different directions. Some were in favor of using some property on M-53 near the Tastee Freeze which they felt would be more visible and would help develop that area coming into town. Some questioned the costs, while others said they felt the recent vote on bonding authority for a new township hall indicated that the voters didn't want it. Other asked why people weren't at the meetings earlier as this had been under discussion and development for about 16 months. In the end the board voted 4 to 1 to approve the Hellems Road site for a new township hall, with Supervisor Brandt Routsseaux (roo-soh) voting no. He had run for supervisor last year on his stance against a new township hall. The second vote for financing through Chemical Bank was approved 5 to 0. It was noted the Chemical Bank bid interest was lower than the interest had the bonding been approved. While people were passionate in their opinions, the meeting was very civil and as it broke up, Lou Schillinger got up and shook Scott Kasper's hand.
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