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Reese FFA does well in first competition (Tuscola County)
Mary Drier/Mike Kaufman
Sun, 02 Feb 2025 21:56:14 EST
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The newly resurrected Future Farmers of America (FFA) Chapter in the Reese School District is making headlines.
Reese FFA competed at the district leadership contest last week, and two members did very well.
Aiden Bucholz and Owen Rupp, who are both Freshmen, took home honors.
Rupp is the regional alternate receiving Silver for his speech on deer populations and farmer/hunter interactions.
Bucholz is moving on to Regionals. He received a gold for his presentation of the FFA creed by EM Tiffany.
The Reese School District's FFA is coming back strong already!
In January, the school district received a Glassbrook Grant from the Michigan Future Farmers of America (FFA) Foundation for The Reese FFA program.
Overall, Reese was one of 9 schools across Michigan that were awarded $22,500 in funding.
That grant money will be used for the district to restart its FFA program, which has not operated in several years.
That fund will be used to purchase new FFA jackets in various sizes along with other materials for competitions, and other FFA events, according to Superintendent Jordan Ackerman.