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Caseville moving forward on force main project
Mary Drier/Mike Kaufman
Sun, 29 Sep 2024 00:25:48 EDT
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Caseville City officials approved a different location for the October council meeting.
The next city meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. on Oct. 14 at the Maccabees Hall history museum, located at the corner of Prospect and Ash streets.
At this month's meeting, the council approved having American Excavating LTD of Saginaw to do the force main replacement project at a cost not to exceed $1,891,982, which was the cost the company that Fleis and VandenBrink recommended to do the project.
Fleis and VandenBrink also recommended the village negotiate easements with Kretzschmer Brothers and Leipprandt Brothers for easements at a cost not to exceed $60,000, which the council approved.
The negotiations were done as a cost saving measure as it was the most direct route for the force main replacement project
The council also approved a resolution to allow the Caseville Chamber of Commerce to expand the Witches' Walk route and allow the activity to include up to four food trucks for the Oct. 26 event.
They also reappointed Charlotte Ignash to the Planning Commission.